In a stunning turn of events, former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi have been handed a 14-year prison sentence, just a day after Khan received a 10-year jail term. Ousted by opponents in 2022, Khan is already serving a three-year sentence for corruption.
The legal woes continue as Khan was sentenced on Tuesday for leaking state secrets and on Wednesday received a 14-year term in another corruption case. Denying all charges, Khan insists that the cases against him are politically motivated.
Despite retaining immense popularity, Khan faces a political setback, barred from standing in the upcoming 8 February vote. His party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), also grapples with campaigning restrictions.
Stay tuned to #PPDNEWS for continuous coverage and analysis on the unfolding developments in this high-profile corruption case. 🌐⚔️ #ImranKhanJailed #CorruptionSentence #PakistanPolitics
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