Rreth 20 zyrtare te drejtësisë, janë sulmuar nga krimi për shkak te detyrës, pas viteve '90. Qe nga tritoli ne banese e deri tek atentatet fizike me arme zjarri kane përberë disa nga rastet e bujshme te goditjes se krimit ndaj drejtësisë, qe për fat te keq, jo ne pak raste janë shoqëruar edhe me viktima.
9 prokurore, 9 gjyqtare dhe 1 avokat kane qene pre e sulmeve te personave ne vitet e fundit, qe me se shumti kane mbetur pa emra autoresh ne dosjet e hapura nga policia. Ne 21 shkurt 1990, vritet ne atentat kryetari i dhomës se avokatisë Kleanthi Koci. Ai u qellua nga një person i panjohur me 3 plumba ne bark, vetëm pak metra larg shtëpisë se tij. Autori nuk është zbuluar ende edhe sot. Ne 26 korrik 1996 u qellua për vdekje Bujar Kaloshi, ish-drejtori i përgjithshëm i burgjeve. Atentati iu be ne afërsi te Fushës se aviacionit. Policia cilësoi si autore te dyshuar te ngjarjes, anëtarët e hakmarrjes për drejtësi. Bilbil Metes, ish-prokuror ne Pogradec iu dogj banesa gjate një sulmi me lende eksplozive ne vitin 1996. Tritiol është edhe ne banesën e prokurorit Arben Qosja, ne vitin 1997 duke lënë te vrare te atin e tij. Ngjarja ndodhi ne Dibër. Pallati ku banonte Prel Martini, ish- kryetar i gjykates e faktit ne Tirane, u shkatërrua gjate një sulmi me tritol ne vitin 1997. Banesa e ish-kryetarit te gjykatës Kushtetuese Fehmi Abdiu, u sulmua me lende plasëse ne vitin 1999. Ngjarja nuk u zbulua madje as objekti i sulmit, nëse gjithçka ishte një skenar për te apo për Altin Abdiun, gjyqtar i gjykatës se Tiranes. Anëtaret e familjes se ish-kryeprokurorit Theodhori Sollaku u sulmuan ne 29 shtator 2003. Për pasoje vritet shoferi dhe terrorizohet gruaja dhe vajza. Për këtë krim u dënua me burg përjetë Altin Arapi, i cili fitoi azilin politik, ne belgjikë. Ne vitin 2008 Hajdar Malaj nga Ballshi, pas vendimit te dhënë nga gjyqtarja Irena Maneku ka nxjerre pistoletën e fshehur ne një çante te vogël, duke ia drejtuar gjyqtares. Roja civile ndërhyri dhe i devijoi drejtimin e pistoletës, por fat te keq e pësoi vete me një plumb ne shpatullën e djathte. Ne 9 shkurt, gjyqtari i gjykatës se larte Ardian Nuni, u qellua me 4 plumba dhe u plagos lehte. As motivi dhe as autori nuk u mësua kurrë. Sulmi i fundit ne Vlorë, mund te konsiderohet si me makabri, dhe ka serish objekt, një gjyqtar.
About 20 officials of justice, are attacked by the crime because of duty, following 90 years. Since the housing tritoli up to physical attacks with firearms have composed some of the sensational cases of combating crime to justice, which unfortunately, in many cases have been associated with fatalities.
9 prosecutors, judges and a lawyer nine have been victims of attacks in recent years people, who have remained mostly without authors names from police files open. On February 21, 1990, killed in the assassination of the Bar President Kleanthi Koci. He was shot by an unknown person with 3 bullets in the abdomen, just a few meters from his house. The author is not revealed yet today. On July 26, 1996 was shot to death Bujar Kaloshi, former director general of prisons. The assassination attempt was made in the vicinity of the field of aviation. Police described the suspects as perpetrators of the incident, members of vengeance for justice. Meta whistle, a former prosecutor in Pogradec apartment was burned during an attack with explosives in 1996. Tritiol is also in the prosecutor Arben Qosja apartment, leaving in 1997 to kill his father. The incident happened in Debar. Palace where he lived prelate Martin, former chairman of the judges of fact in Tirana, was destroyed during an attack by TNT in 1997. Flats and former chairman of the Constitutional Court, Fehmi Abdiu, was attacked with explosive substances in 1999. The event was not even discovered the object of attack, if everything was a script for him or Abdiu Altin, Tirana court judge. Members of the family of former chief Theodore Sollaku was attacked on September 29, 2003. Consequently killed the driver and terrorizohet wife and daughter. For this crime he was sentenced to prison forever Altin Arapi, who won political asylum in Belgium. Malaj Haydar in 2008 by Ballshi, after the decision rendered by Judge Irena Maneku has issued pistol hidden in a small purse, handing it to the judge. Civil Guard intervened and deviated gun running, but unfortunately suffered a bullet in his right shoulder. On February 9, a high court judge Ardian Nuni, was hit with 4 bullets and slightly wounded. Neither the author nor the motive was never taught. The latest attack in Vlora, can be considered as makabri, and again the object, a judge
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