Inio Asano is a mangaka unlike any other. He is able to write stories that resonate with people, and Oyasumi Punpun is no exception. But unlike his previous award-winning-manga Solanin...This is a manga whose popularity appeared through its infamous reputation as the "Manga That Breaks People". Hence, why over a year later after my first reading, I'm here, talking about it in a video...because I was one of those few who broke.
This video aims to talk about how I personally reacted to certain moments and themes within this read. This isn't a review, and it isn't a summary of this brilliant manga, but instead an active commentary about how certain moments affected myself as a reader. While I will go through certain aspects of the series and talk about specific moments, I wont try to spoil TOO much about this series, but I'm issuing a spoiler-warning regardless.
Thank you to my many voice-actors for giving these roles a shot! You guys were awesome!
Punpun Onedera: [ Ссылка ]__
Papa Onedera: [ Ссылка ]
Mumma Onedera: [ Ссылка ]
Sachi: [ Ссылка ]
Aiko Tanaka (young): [ Ссылка ]
Aiko Tanaka (adult): [ Ссылка ]
God: [ Ссылка ]
00:00 Introduction To Punpun
03:56 Loneliness
10:23 Facade
18:46 Breaking Free
22:40 Good Morning Punpun
26:20 Moving Forward
#oyasumi #oyasumipunpun #goodnightpunpun #manga #mangaanimation #asano #inioasano #mangavlog #commentary #anime #animecommentary
The Greatest Manga I CANT Recommend
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