A flooded city is on the brink of collapse. We step in to restore balance and bring life back to the urban ruins. Watch the credits as we celebrate Terra Nil’s success.
00:00 - Stage 1: Restore Greenery
33:20 - Stage 2: Biodiversity
49:02 - Stage 3: Recycle & Rocket Construction
1:05:12 - Planet Reclaimed
1:06:20 - Credits
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#terranil #gameplay #relaxinggames #EnvironmentalRestoration #ecologicalrestoration #continental #biomes
Terra Nil Gameplay - Flooded City | Part 10
Terra NilTerra Nil GameplayEnvironmental RestorationEnvironmental Restoration GameEnvironmental GameRestoration GameReverse City BuilderEcological RestorationNature RebuildingNature Rebuilding GameStrategy GameFree LivesDevolver DigitalGreen GamingSustainable GamingBiomesTemperate BiomeTropical BiomePolar BiomeContinental BiomeEco-Friendly GameRelaxing Strategy GameRelaxing Game