This video was designed to help with beginner shot putters or just to help brush up on technique. This is the first part of the stand throw that I teach and felt it would be helpful to share this sequence of videos with others to help with kids across the nation that don't have coaches. For most beginners, YouTube is our first coach so I thought reaching out from here would be a good idea. If anyone has any questions they think I might be able to help with, please let me know and I will answer them at my earliest convenience.
Shot Put Drills, Stand Throw, Part 1 of 3
Shot putCoachBasicsTrackFieldJakeDeatonThrowThrows coachStandStand throwTrickHelpfulTipsAthelticsDiscusDiscus ThrowDavid StorlAdam NelsonChristian CantwellReese Hoffaworld record shot putworld recordusa nationalsdrillstechniquerotationalglidespinlinearthrowerthrowersstrongweight trainingweightheavyballbench pressbenchsquatolympics2016Track And Field Athletics (Sport)Training