Culturedog Sam Hatch has been busy this summer, but not too busy to scour Craigslist postings for local deals on laserdiscs. Lo and behold, a beefy stack of discs were waiting for him just 5 minutes down the road.
Was it worth the brief trek for this hefty lot, or was it just another pile of common titles with tattered, shelfworn jackets? Let’s find out!
Listen to "Culture Dogs" Sunday nights at 8pm EST on WWUH, 91.3 FM in CT. Also streaming live (and then archived via StreamRewind) on:
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96.5 TIC FM:
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Intro music: "Anger Mgmt." by Sever the Drama.
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This episode is brought to you by the word "hella” and the phrase “You get to see Harvey Keitel naked!”
Laserdisc Collection Update – August 2015
LaserDisc (Media Format)Laserdisc Collection Update – August 2015culturedogsam hatchculture dogslaserdisclaser disclaserdicslaser dicslaserdisklaser diskobi stripsjapanese laserdiscsLDsheavy metal videospink floydjoe satrianijohn carpentercriterion collectionloudnessozzy osbournezz topblade runnerthe thingrobotechwarrantbritny foxlita forddokkenrattkajagoogoovenom