There is a MASSIVE NEED for Storage Businesses because most people do not have their own space for their toys. If you live in a neighborhood, usually the HOA will not allow you to store an RV or Boat in your drive. You can take advantage of this by starting this business today.
How much does it Cost:
2-3 acre lot: $150K - $300K in some areas. Suburbs****
Website/Facebook Page: $300
Fencing and Security: $10,000
Grading and Gravel: $30,000
Liability Insurance: $1,000
START UP COST: $300,000
Loan: 25% down = $75,000 down
Monthly payment on a 20-year 8% loan = $1,900 a month
Average Per Unit Monthly: $100 - $500 = Average: $300 a month
Average Units Stored: 65 units per acre *2 acres = 130 spots
100 spots * $300 a month = $30,000 a month
$360,000 ($30K/month) - $75K (down payment) - $22,800 (loan pay) - $10,000 (all other)
=====$252,200 a year!!!
Positives of this business:
Always needed. Storage
Think of ways it will fail:
Marketing – Local Marketing, Create Website with SEO, Network with Contractors, Local RV Dealers, Local Boat Dealers, Local Equipment Dealers, Facebook.
Quality: Needs to be safe and secure
Payment Process: Needs to be automatic.
Legal Up
Customer Agreement
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How To Start a Boat and RV Storage Business ($360K a year)
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