Perchero rustico de pared que he realizado con diferentes trozos de ramas secas que encuentras a orillas del rio o por el bosque , y madera reciclada , dandole un toque antiguo al perchero.
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Rustic wall coat rack that I have made with different pieces of dry branches that you find on the banks of the river or by the forest, and recycled wood, giving the coat rack an antique touch.
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#diywoodworking #coatrackideas #coatrack
Perchero Rustico de pared 🙌 / rustic wall coat rack
rustic wall coat rackperchero rusticoperchero de maderapercherodiy perchero rusticopercheros artesanalespercheros de pared caserospercheros originalespercheros artesanales de maderaperchero artesanalpercheros rusticosartesaniaperchero rustico de paredcoat rack diyrustic coat rackcoat hooks diycoat rack with shelfcomo hacer percheros de ramacomo hacer perchero de maderacomo hacer percheros de paredArtErnestocarpinteriaperchero de tronco