The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led many to reconsider if a Chinese invasion could be on the cards for Taiwan. If Beijing did invade, is Taiwan’s army ready? Currently all young men must complete four months of compulsory military service. It used to be a whole year – and some people want it to go back to that way. But many young adults who are facing military service soon are less keen.
A new reserve call-up system is gradually rolling out across Taiwan. At the 8th Army Command 203rd Brigade Barracks, a recall training is teaching reservists five types of specialist artillery skills. Lots of focus is on the military in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Some are asking if the four-month military service period should be re-extended to a whole year.
Lo Chih-cheng
DPP lawmaker
We can see from the latest recall training that we should not wait for the recall to train reservists. They should actually learn the most basic skills in their original military training. Then through the recall training, they can review military skills. So I think it’s worth discussing, and we should be discussing, an extension of the military service period, and we should hold it in a more positive light.
Yahoo carried out an online survey, asking “Do you think military service should be extended to one year?” More than 80% of respondents agreed, citing a perceived benefit for national defense capacity. Only 10% were opposed, saying four months is enough. We took to campus to ask pre-military-service students their views, findings opinion highly polarized.
University student
Four months is fine, because a semester is just 18 weeks, which is just four months. I think that’s enough.
University student
I don’t really agree with it, because we have master’s programs and life plans.
University student
I think a year would be fine. You just, like, go and do some training.
Some students told us the length of service is unimportant. What they want to see is an overhaul of the training content for military trainees.
Chang Cheng-yu
National Taiwan University Student Assoc.
How much do we get from this training? Supposing we got the training really lean so by the end we would learn a lot. Then I think people might be willing to take the training.
Military analysts and college bookworms alike are turning their minds to how best to keep Taiwan safe and ensure its military is prepared for the worst.
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