This video talks about the STAGING of retinopathy of prematurity . The international council of retinopathy of prematurity (ICROP) has classified ROP into 5 stages.
Stage 1 is the presence of the demarcation line
Stage 2 is the presence of ridge ,
Stage 3 ROP is the extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation
Stage 4 ROP is partial retinal detachment and
Stage 5 ROP is total/ complete Retinal detachment.
Stage 4 is further divided into stage 4a ( macula on) and Stage 4b ( macula off).
ICROP 3rd edition subdivided stage 5 into stage 5 a , stage 5 b, and stage 5c .
Thsi video comprehensively explains all the stages with examples .
Retinopathy of prematurity Staging
ROPROP STAGINgROP dr amritROP icrop 3rd edition classificationROP made easySTAGE 3 ROPSatges of ROPStage 2 ROPnew ROP calssificationretinopathy of prematurityretinopathy of prematurity dr amritstage 1 ROPstage 5 ROPSTAGE 5 C ropretinopathy of prematurity and oxygencalssification of rop[classification of retinopathy of prematurityinsight ophthalmologyinsight ophthalmology ROP