The Tamil New Year special week with Vijay TV hosts - MaKaPa Anandh with Bhavana, Sivakarthikeyan with Kalyani, DD with Deepak, Gopinath, Jagan with Ramya and Senthil with Rajashekhar of Saravanan Meenatchi, light up the sets of NVOK.
The hosts are playing for a noble cause. Their combined winnings will go for the benefit of Std XII toppers this year.
After a boisterous and roaring entry of each contestant into the stage, each one different in their own inimitable style, Ma Ka Pa Anandh and Bhavna take the hot seat after getting past the Minnal Viralgal round. Following a lot of light-hearted banter between the anchor and the contestants, they play the first question and get it right easily. MaKaPa and Bhavna breeze through the questions from two to five and bag Rs. 10,000 - the first Urudhi Panam level. The contestant pair take their first lifeline - Audience Poll in question no.8. A tricky question in Question 9 make them use up two lifelines - 50:50 and Phone a Friend in the same question. They manage to bag Rs.1,60,000. Its a difficult question for Rs. 3,20,000 and Bhavna and Ma Ka Pa Anandh decide to quit and win Rs. 1,60,000.
The Minnal Viralgal winner is Sivakarthikeyan and Kalyani who light up the set with great jokes and humorous banter. The first two questions are easily answered by them as they win Rs. 2000. The pair of Sivarkarthikeyan and Kalyani use their first lifeline 50:50 for the fifth question for Rs. 5000, get it right and then go on to get their first Sure Money level of Rs.10,000 right.
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