Usually we relate this term intussusception with intestine, usually small intestine, though a small intestine intussusception is also seen. Intussusception is where eth intestine gets into the lumen of another part of the adjacent intestine. The earlier part of the intestine will try to get not the lumen of the distal intestine that is the later part of the intestine. That is called intussusception. Here what usually happens is that happens in the wall or the internal part of the intestine, something like a leiomyona, lipoma or even a cancer. Even tuberculosis of the intestine, where the naturally the peristalsis, that is the movement of the musculature of the intestine will try to propel the food distally. So during that process, the intestine will be drawn in through the adjacent part of the intestine and cause intestinal obstruction. This will cause severe pain abdomen, vomiting and discomfort and patient comes with a typical feature of acute intestinal obstruction. This is what is called as the intussusception. It can be jejunojejunal, that is the proximal jejunum getting into the distal jejunum or it can be jejunoileal, ilieoilial, ileocolic or colocolic. So multiple types of intussusception is possible and you have seen significant number of conditions like this.
What is Intussusception in adults? - Dr. Nagaraj B. Puttaswamy
Intussusception Intestinal ObstructionLeiomyonaDigestive HealthJejunojejunalJejunoilealintussusceptionintussusception causespaediatric intussusceptionintussusception in infantsintussusception symptomscauses of intussusceptionbowel intussusceptionintussusception treatmentcolonic intussusceptionsmall bowel intussusceptionintussusception ultrasoundintussusception radiologyintussusception cureintussusception remediesintussusception diagnosis