The Dota Show #4: Windrunner & The Art of Pressure
Wednesday, July 11th 2012
Note: Next week will be more focused on how to play a hero/the first person perspective, and less-focused on broad concepts. More like the Get In That Ass Larry episodes I've done in the past.
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The Dota Show #4: Windrunner & The Art of Pressure
The Dota Show #4: Windrunner & The Art of Pressure
defense of the ancientsdotadota2dota 2dotacommentaries dota guidevideo gameLDLDdotaluminousluminousinverseDota English CommentaryDota CommentaryDota castthe dota showtdsthedotashowthe dotashowdotashowdota showwindrunnerwrwindrunner guidewindrunner tutorialwindrunner tipswindrunner trickspressurehow to create pressurehow to deal with pressurepurgepurgegamersdotacinemadota cinema