The recently-held Nandi Awards, the Andhra Pradesh state awards, which were announced after three years, has been hit by controversy since day one. The awards have been criticised by many for the jury’s decisions and accused of nepotism. In the wake of such reports, the Information Technology minister of the state Nara Lokesh took a dig at Tollywood film fraternity, calling them “Non-Resident Andhras”.
Commenting on the ruckus, he had said that only non-resident Telugus were criticising the government. “Those who are sitting in Hyderabad are criticising the state government. Some leaders, who come by flight in morning hold a protest and go back to their places by evening. They have no stakes in state,” reported Times of India.
Now, reacting sharply to the comment, actor Posani Krishna Murali said on Tuesday that he would reject Nandi Awards.
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