Title: Roller Coaster Chucky - Ivanchuk vs Petrosyan| Sunway Sitges Chess Festival 2018 Rd.8
Opening: Caro-Kann, Fantasy Variation
The 5th Sunway Sitges is a 10-round Swiss open held in Spain from 14-23 December 2018
Hello Chess Friends and Welcome to the channel. After the shocking loss in 26 moves against the young Indian International Master Sreeshwan, Ivanchuk is back on track and with 6 wins and 2 draw he leads the tournament with other 3 players. In today's video I want to show you one of his victories. In round 8 he played against Manuel Petrosyan 20 years old and 2565 from Armenia. Ivanchuk won the game but was just one step close to the edge and near to fall down.
[Event "2018-sunway-sitges"]
[Site "[ Ссылка ]"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Ivanchuk, Vassily"]
[Black "Petrosyan, Manuel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]
[Annotator "Gabriele"]
[PlyCount "121"]
[WhiteClock "0:02:34"]
[BlackClock "0:26:08"]
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. f3 e6 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. Bf4 Nf6 6. Qd3 b6 7. O-O-O (7. Nge2
Ba6 8. Qe3 O-O 9. O-O-O) 7... Ba6 8. Qe3 Bxf1 9. Rxf1 O-O 10. Nge2 c5 11. exd5
(11. a3 Bxc3 12. Nxc3 Nc6) 11... Bxc3 12. Nxc3 Nxd5 13. Qe4 Nc6 (13... Nxc3 14.
bxc3 Nd7) 14. dxc5 Nxc3 15. bxc3 Qf6 16. Kb2 bxc5 17. Rb1 Rad8 18. Rhd1 Rd5 19.
Rd3 Rxd3 20. cxd3 Nb4 21. Bd2 Rd8 22. d4 h6 23. cxb4 (23. a3 Nd5 24. dxc5 Rb8+
25. Kc2 Rxb1 26. Kxb1 Nxc3+ 27. Bxc3 Qxc3 28. Qa8+ Kh7 29. Qxa7 Qb3+ 30. Kc1
Qc3+ 31. Kd1 Qd3+ 32. Ke1 Qe3+ 33. Kf1 Qc1+ 34. Kf2 Qd2+ 35. Kg3 Qg5+) 23...
Rxd4 24. Qa8+ Kh7 25. Kc1 Qg6 26. Rb2 (26. g3 Rc4+ 27. Kd1 (27. Kb2 Rc2+ 28.
Kb3 Qd3+ 29. Bc3 Rxc3+ 30. Kb2 Rc2+ 31. Ka1 Qc3+ 32. Rb2 Qxb2#) 27... Qxb1+)
26... Qxg2 (26... Rc4+ 27. Kd1 Qxg2 28. bxc5 Qf1+ 29. Be1 Rd4+ 30. Rd2 Rb4 31.
Re2 Rb1+ 32. Kd2 (32. Kc2 Rxe1 (32... Qxe2+ 33. Kxb1 Qxe1+ 34. Kc2 Qf2+ 35. Kb3
Qxc5) 33. Qe4+) 32... Rb2+ 33. Kc3 Rxe2) 27. Rc2 cxb4 (27... Qf1+ 28. Kb2 Qb5
29. a3) 28. Qxa7 Rd3 29. Bxb4 Qf1+ 30. Kb2 Rxf3 31. Qc5 Rf4 32. a3 Qh1 33. Rf2
e5 34. Rxf4 exf4 35. Qf5+ Kg8 36. Qc8+ Kh7 37. Qf5+ Kg8 38. Qxf4 g5 39. Qe5 Qb7
40. Kb3 Kh7 41. Qf5+ Kg7 42. a4 f6 43. a5 Qf7+ 44. Kb2 Qb7 45. Ka3 Qc7 46. a6
Qc6 47. a7 Qc1+ 48. Kb3 Qd1+ (48... Qe3+ 49. Bc3 Qxa7 50. Qxf6+ Kh7 51. Qf5+
Kg8 52. Qg6+ Kf8 53. Bb4+ Qe7 54. Qf6+ Kg8 55. Bxe7 g4 56. Qg6+ Kh8 57. Bf6#)
49. Qc2 Qf3+ 50. Qc3 Qb7 51. Qe3 Qd5+ 52. Ka3 Qc6 53. Qc5 Qf3+ 54. Ka4 Kg6 55.
Qc8 Qd1+ 56. Kb5 Qd5+ 57. Bc5 Qb3+ 58. Kc6 Qf3+ 59. Kc7 Qd5 60. Qe8+ Kf5 61.
Qd7+ 1-0
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