"An American Werewolf in Paris" (1997) is a horror-comedy film that follows the story of Andy McDermott, an American tourist who visits Paris with his friends. During their visit, Andy saves a mysterious woman named Serafine Pigot from a suicide attempt. He later discovers that she is part of a pack of werewolves terrorizing the city. As Andy gets drawn into the world of the werewolves, he becomes infected with lycanthropy. Struggling with his transformation, Andy must find a way to reverse the curse and stop the werewolves before it's too late.
- **Tom Everett Scott** as Andy McDermott
- **Julie Delpy** as Serafine Pigot
- **Vince Vieluf** as Brad
- **Phil Buckman** as Chris
- **Julie Bowen** as Amy Finch
- **Pierre Cosso** as Claude
- **Thierry Lhermitte** as Dr. Thierry Pigot
The film combines elements of horror and dark comedy, offering a modern twist on the classic werewolf genre.
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