Ranbir Kapoor was in Chennai on Wednesday with co-star Nagarjuna and director SS Rajamouli, who is presenting the movie in south Indian languages. They were all promoting the movie Brahmastra. A video of them talking to each other before an event has been shared on social media, and fans are happy about it. When Ranbir met SS Rajamouli and Nagarjuna before their press conference, he touched their feet and asked for their blessings.
Fans hailed Ranbir’s gesture and said he has earned their respect and love. The clip was shared by many Ranbir Kapoor fan accounts pages. Reacting to Ranbir’s action, one fan wrote on Twitter, “Really such a humble person, Ranbir is.”
#RanbirKapoor #Nagarjuna #SSRajamouli
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