Vayasu Pasanga - Tamil Movie
Star Cast: Vindhya, Anush, Jai Arvind, Vindhya, Livingston, Master Manikandan, Kamlesh.
Music: Deva
Direction: Bharati Kannan
Description : Vayasu Pasanga is a Tamil Comedy film. The story revolves around three teenagers who are friends. Their only aim is to bunk the classes and chill out eyeing for girls. They prepare to go any lengths to get 'girls'. Enters aunty Vindhya, the seductive siren conspires to her aging husband Livingston and drags the gullible boys into her game plan.
Vayasu Pasanga - Vindhya convinces Anush & his friends
videoVayasu PasangaVayasu Pasanga MovieFancy MovieVayasu Pasanga tamil movieVayasu Pasanga ComedyVayasu Pasanga SongsVayasu Pasanga songVayasu Pasanga clipVayasu Pasanga ClipsVayasu Pasanga SceneVayasu Pasanga partLove storycollege storyComedy MovieVindhyaAnushJai ArvindLivingstonMaster ManikandanKamleshMusic: DevaDirection: Bharati KannanVindhya sceneVindhya clipsongLivingston comedyLivingston movie