Normally I would sow snowdrop babies directly into the soil but due to the soil being bone dry these babies would just dry out and die. So I sow them in containers & plant summer flowers on top so I don’t forget to water them.
Zwartbles Ireland is a small company run from a farm in County Kilkenny in Ireland. We sell, Zwartbles sheep, Zwartbles blankets and yarn made from the sheep, and calendars featuring the Cats Shepherd Bodacious and Inca the World's Smallest Sheepdog.
Collect & sow snowdrop bulblets from their seedheads
ZwartblessheepAlpacaOvenmittshepherdBlanketsAnimalsDogsCatsLambsFarming with natureRegenerative AgricultureRegenerative farmingWoolNatural woolBodacious the Cat ShepherdBiodiversity FarmingNatural BiodiversityCarbon FarmingDung BeetlesPollinatorsMixed Sward GrazingIrelandIrish100% Natural Irish WoolMulti Species SwardZwartbleBlack SheepBlack WoolIrish YarnTraceable YarnTraceable Food ChainIncaSmallest SheepdogWool is Carbon