Grand Coulee Dam: A Man-Made Marvel, produced by the Bureau of Reclamation's Pacific Northwest Region's Public Affairs Office, is now showing to enthusiastic audiences at the dam's Visitor Center. This film, newest in their lineup, is loaded with historic construction footage, photos, and newsreels from Reclamation's legendary hydropower workhorse.
Grand Coulee Dam: A Man-Made Marvel (Full Movie)
Grand Coulee DamReclamationDepartment of the Interiordocumentaryhistoricarchivefootage35mm16mmfilm transferhydropowerthird power plantpowerplanthydroelectricColumbia BasinWenatchee WorldengineerhistorianWashingtoncolumbia river treatyenvironmentfishsustainabilityclean energyrenewable energyBret PitSanpoilBureau of ReclamationPacific Northwest Regionsrfsecurity response force