The Sots Press AKA the press in snatch is one of our favorite exercises to build the upper back as well as improve overhead position in the bottom of the overhead squat.
Key points of performance for the Sots Press:
1: Solid squat: weight evenly balanced about the feet, hips actively engaged, knees tracking with the toes, neutral spine
2: With the bar behind your neck and your hands in a snatch width grip, bring the elbows forward so they are pointing straight down. This puts your shoulders in external rotation
3: Press the bar up until your elbows lock out, maintaining your shoulder position. Armpits should finish facing forward and elbow pits facing up.
Common Faults:
1: Collapsing in the squat. Your squat is the foundation of the whole movement. If your squat falls apart, the whole lift is compromised. Stay tight!
2: Shrugging with the traps at the top to finish the lift. Many athletes will get the bar 90% of the way with good position and then shrug the shoulders at the top to finish the lift. This compromise negates one of the primary purposes of doing the lift. Keep the traps relaxed, and elevate with the lats. If you need to, pause at the spot where you start to lose position and hold it there, then bring it back down. Slowly increase your range of motion as you are able to control your position.
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