Caridina cantonensis is a really cool species of shrimp with so many gorgeous varieties including the bee, crystal and tiger shrimps. My favorite is the blue bolt! Care for all the varieties is pretty much the same. Enjoy some footage of my shrimp while I go over all the ins and outs of taking care of Caridina cantonensis. 🦐
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Chapters 📖
00:00 - Caridina cantonensis
00:36 - Native habitat
01:22 - Appearance & color morphs
05:38 - Water parameters
07:42 - Diet
09:28 - Setup
10:25 - Tank mates
11:34 - Water changes
12:59 - Breeding
Cool article! ⬇️
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Freshwater shrimp care guide Caridina cantonensis
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