Securing your future and being prepared for financial emergencies is the foundation of financial planning. An emergency fund is money that you can back upon in tough times of setbacks and uncertain events. It is hence imperative to park your emergency fund in a manner that it meets your expenses during financial downturns. Build a fund that gets you optimal returns along with maintaining sufficient liquidity. A mixed allocation into various asset classes in the right proportions helps you in yielding nominal returns while maintaining liquidity and safety of the principal.
So, today in my next video of my Manifest Money series, I want to address the most common question related to the emergency fund, Where should you park your Emergency Fund?
It’s not easy to talk about financial issues, but it is very important. Stay positive, uplift yourself and trust the process. If you missed any of the videos, visit my website at the link in the comments. What topics would you like to learn more about?
Know the importance of an EMERGENCY FUND! [ Ссылка ]
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