A bus has been hijacked and set on fire at the junction of Lanark Way and Shankhill Road in west Belfast, the PSNI have said. Stones were thrown at police while a press photographer was assaulted during the course of their work on Wednesday evening. The driver of the bus was reportedly uninjured. Police are advising members of the public to avoid these areas. 'We would appeal to those with influence in the area to use it to help restore calm,' a PSNI statement said
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Protesters in Belfast hijack bus and set it on fire
2021arlene fosterbelfastbelfast 2021belfast busbelfast bus hijackedbelfast protestsbelfast riotbelfast riotsbusbus hijackedbus on firebus set on firebus set on fire belfastduphijacked busiralanark wayloyalistsnorthern irelandnorthern ireland newsnorthern ireland riotspetrol bombpoliticsprotestpsnireal irariotsshankhillshankhill roadthe troublesukunionistsuvfbelfast riots 2021shankill road defendersprotestantcatholic