The vast majority of churches in the US have a 501 (c) (3) non-profit tax designation from the IRS. This subjugates them under the headship authority of a flawed government, increasingly aligned with unrighteousness! BUT what are the inherent SPIRITUAL DANGERS of attending or supporting a church under the authority of a secular state which embraces and promotes activities abhorrent to YAH, even prosecuting the innocent for noncompliance under law? Are these churches guilty partakers of horrendous sins such as the SLAUGHTER OF THE INNOCENT - ABORTION, TEACHING and PROMOTING PERVERSITY, and spreading the NEW WORLD RELIGION, SECULAR HUMANISM – Just to name a few?
Join Dr. William Schnoebelen as he shares answers to these questions and more sent to WOAM by Friends seeking answers on 501 (c) (3) churches and if they're actually satanic – And if it is a spiritual pit to support them! Find out if these churches KNOWINGLY bowing the knee to Baal, or are simply uninformed and deceived about the true SPIRITUAL ASPECTS of CORPORATE HEADSHIP, and the hellish quagmire of the status of 501 (c) (3)!
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CHRISTIAN WITCHCRAFT - What is it? Treasure Guardians Series!Has witchcraft infiltrated today's Christian churches? What IS witchcraft according to the Bible and what practices are included under this mandate? Dr. William Schnoebelen teaches how to avoid this huge issue in your life and congregation - and how to get powered up spiritually for these End Times! Thank you for your prayers & donations to With One Accord Ministries! [ Ссылка ]
Many have asked Dr. Bill where they should attend after leaving a congregation because of things like tainted headship, unscriptural teachings, abuse, unrighteousness or even to just seek a more Set Apart faith walk. But where can pure, Set Apart fellowship be found? What do the Scriptures really teach about observing the Sabbath and attending Biblical gatherings? In this Treasure Guardians series teaching, Dr. Schnoebelen exhorts all Believers - especially those feeling isolated and alone - with Scriptural solutions to help them find their place in Yahuwah's eternal covenant family! Special Note: During the holiday season, we exhort all Believers to pray for those who are alone, widowed, single, struggling with their faith and survivors of SRA and abuse. Thank You! Bless You!
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MIND WARS! Prepping for the ApocalypsePrepare for SPIRITUAL END TIME WAR & the APOCALYPSE TO COME! This video teaching from With one Accord Ministries is PART 2 of WOAM’s Preparing for the Apocalypse Series. Learn how to cultivate mental resilience against enemy attacks and the stresses and challenges of life bombarding our minds, wills and emotions! Dr. William Schnoebelen, N.D., teaches how we can have STRONG DIAMOND-LIKE MINDS through the power of Yahushua the Messiah that welcome in the brilliant light, love and fire of the RUACH ha QODESH (Holy Spirit), but aggressively protect our minds from the fiery darts of the enemy. LEARN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF THE PASSIVE MIND & HOW to protect yourself against it! [ Ссылка ]
THANK YOU for your Prayers & Financial Support DEAR FRIENDS & PARTNERS! We are an accountable, non-profit (NOT a 501c3) ministry serving Yahushua haMossiach (Jesus Christ the Messiah) during these troubling Last Days. After his salvation in 1984, Dr. Schnoebelen worked in full time ministry starting in 1987 at Saints Alive in Jesus, with Ed Decker. He later founded With One Accord Ministries in August 1992, and has been instrumental in the development and movement to bring the Scriptural, Hebraic Roots of Christianity to the Body of Messiah. [ Ссылка ]
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