Bern Gallery's Pipe Classic 8 Presented by: Glass Torch Technologies & Formula 420
Featuring Salt as Ron Burgandab with glass artists: Burtoni, J-Red, JOP! RYNO, Joe P, Herb c, Creep, Mr. V, Laceface, Hickory, Coyle, & The Worm.
September 16-21, 2013
Sponsored by: GTT, Formula 420, Lava Rubber, Burn, Glassroots, Hobies, Boroworld, The Flow Magazine, Hotbreath, Blazin Ace, Eu-Glass, Northstar Glassworks, Peace of Mind, Whoopzip, Mountain Glass, Blacksheep, Destination, Aim Kilns, & Bern Glass
Pipe Classic 8: THE MOVIE
J-RedJoe PHerb cCreepMr. VLacefaceHickoryCoyleFormula 420Lava RubberBurnGlassrootsHobiesBoroworldThe Flow MagazineHotbreathBlazin AceEu-GlassNorthstar GlassworksPeace of MindWhoopzipMountain GlassBlacksheepDestinationAim Kilnssaltsaltglassglassglasspipesglass pipesmoking420bern glassbern gallerypipe classicjop!glass torch technologiesgttron burgandab