There is a whisper inside you that says, "there must be more." And there is.
The World Race is more than a mission trip. It's an epic 11-month journey to 11 countries. Spending one month in each country, Racers connect with local churches and organizations, serving them to meet the unique needs of the community while sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
From preaching in churches in South Asia to loving kids in orphanages in Swaziland, from building homes in Guatemala to ministering to sex trafficking victims in Thailand, Racers serve in different ways each month. We do whatever it takes to bring God's kingdom to earth, and you can do it with us.
If you hear the whisper to step beyond the status quo, visit us at [ Ссылка ] today.
The World Race: More Than a Mission Trip
World RaceWorld Race Gap YearWorld Race SemestersGap Year11n11missionsmissionarymission tripmissionary workworld missionsChristian ministriesAsiaAfricaSouth Americasummerfallspringinternationaladultscollege studentyear-longshort term missionsadventureadventures in missionsChristianity (Religion)Short-term MissionReligion (TV Genre)Travel (TV Genre)