ESPAÑOL: "A mediados de mayo, presentaremos una propuesta para eliminar gradualmente nuestra dependencia del gas, el petróleo y el carbón rusos para 2027," anunció Úrsula von der Leyen (Presidenta de la Comisión Europea) durante la rueda de prensa celebrada esta misma noche tras la reunión informal del Consejo celebrada los días 10 y 11 de marzo.
La propuesta energética es tan sólo una parte de los acuerdos alcanzados en esta reunión informal de jefes de estado o de gobierno de la UE de cara a reforzar la soberanía de la UE en el nuevo entorno europeo generado por el ataque unilateral e injustificado a Ucrania por parte de Rusia.
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Este vídeo ha sido proporcionado a Eastwind por el gabinete de prensa del Consejo de la Unión Europea gratuitamente para su publicación con fines estrictamente informativos.
INGLÉS: "In mid-May, we will present a proposal to gradually eliminate our dependence on Russian gas, oil and coal by 2027," announced Úrsula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission) during the press conference held tonight after the informal meeting of EU heads of state or government on 10-11 March.
The energy proposal is just one part of the agreements reached at this informal meeting of EU heads of state or government with a view to reinforcing the EU's sovereignty in the new European environment generated by the unilateral and unjustified attack on Ukraine by part of Russia.
For more information on the enlargement of the EU to East Europe, on actions to improve security and not only by increasing military spending, on actions to guarantee food security and in other areas, read the full speech by Úrsula von der Leyen, watch the video of his speech at the press conference and read the Versailles Declaration signed by all EU members. I provide links to all these materials both in English and Spanish at the end of the post published on the Spanish edition of Eastwind Magazine. To find the materials, copy and paste this link on your browser
This video has been provided to Eastwind by the press office of the Council of the European Union free of charge for publication for strictly informational purposes.
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