This sitcom aired on NBC from 1974-78, and starred Jack Albertson (as Ed, "The Man") and Freddie Prinze as "Chico". Della Reese (as "Della") would join the cast in the third season. 88 episodes were produced in total.
The premise of the series saw Chico Rodriguez (Prinze) taking a job at an East Los Angeles garage run by cantankerous owner Ed Brown (Albertson). Cultural differences and the changing times of the 1970s were the focus, and the banter between the two main leads kept the series popular for its first two seasons.
Sadly during the taping of the third season, Freddie Prinze would take his own life. Following his death, the series ran for one more season before being cancelled.
"Chico and the Man" went into syndication for a number of years afterword. One station to air reruns was then-independent (now CW) station WPHL-TV in Philadelphia, PA.
This third season episode, "A Minority of One", sees a reluctant Ed join and then be elected President of the neighborhood's "BBBB" (Barrio Better Business Bureau). The original tape of this rebroadcast contains commercials, but lacked the show's intro. Special thanks goes to [ Ссылка ] for being the source of a third season open (in which Della Reese's credit had been added to Albertson's and Prinze's.)
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