On Thursday, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, the general secretary of the Congress, and her husband Robert Vadra participated in the Bharat Jodo Yatra for the first time. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, a member of the Congress leader's family, and her husband Robert arrived in Indore on Wednesday in preparation for the yatra, which will begin on Thursday. The Bharat Jodo Yatra, which started this morning in the Madhya Pradesh village of Borgaon, also includes senior Congress leader Sachin Pilot. In the Khandwa district of Borgaon, Rahul Gandhi began the foot march on the second day of the yatra's Madhya Pradesh leg. Rahul Gandhi was seen walking in step with Priyanka Gandhi and her husband Robert Vadra. Police were seen working frantically to keep Congress members away from Rahul Gandhi and his sister as they raised slogans in favour of them and attempted to approach them. Ropes were being held by police officers on either side of the street to protect Rahul Gandhi.
#Congress #BharatJodoYatra #PriyankaGandhiVadra
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