Minister for IT Nara Lokesh inaugurated the Tech Hub building today in Vizag. The 11-floor building was taken on lease by the APEITA as part of the drive to provide plug and play facility to IT players. The offices of eight MSME companies - Amzur InfoTech, Virtual Guard Services, Apex Content Solutions, IDA Automation, Venture offshore Infomatrix, Inventrax, Vismaya Premedia Services and Jiva Digital Services - were inaugurated today. The companies deal with IT consultancy, IT/ITES services, projects and products among other things. Employment will be generated for 600 people.
Until now, 22 units were brought to Amaravati-Vijayawada region and 10 to Vizag, including two located at the VUDA building at Seethammadhara. Another 22 units — 18 to Amaravati and four — Nueve Solutions, Vivalex, Young Logistics and Fusion Technologies — to Visakhapatnam will begin operations and employ 3,000 people.
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