Elbo Controlli NIKKEN was hosted by Lyndex NIKKEN during di IMTS show in Chicago (USA).
This video is made by @MTDCNC with our sales manager: it's an interview where our sales manager presents all the Elbo Controlli NIKKEN high-technology solutions.
By listening to the needs of national and international markets, our sales network and mechanical workshop operators from all over the world, we are able to create specific and exceptional products. Our major strengths are the passion that allows us to develop original solutions, teamwork and continuous training by reinvesting again and again. The fundamental objective is to constantly transmit our "know-how" to the worldwide sales network using both direct and digital tools.
We design and manufacture solutions which are aimed at companies that want to help their staff work better, with quality and reducing downtime. Mechanics, electronics, optics and software are integrated into technological solutions that simplify operator activity through organising and managing the tasks of any type of mechanical workshop.
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