Our goal is to help you better understand the Junior Recruiting process and educate you on how to get maximum exposure to college coaches.
College Recruiting Timeline for Juniors 3:26
Fall Recruiting Checklist 9:29
Steps College Coaches Take In Recruitment 16:04
Set Yourself Up For Success 19:41
ImRecruitable Profile 30:45
Q&A's 40:00
Junior Recruiting Webinar
NCAACollegeScholarshipStudent-athleteeducationadvicetalksportstennisbasketballvolleyballtrackswimminglacrossestudent athletestudentathletecollegecollege sportsschool sportsschoolhigh school sportshigh schoolTarek MerchantT Merchanttarekmerchant17footballsoccercoachNAIAdivision 1division 2division 3d1d2d3recruitcollege recruitingsports recruitinguniversity