A little rant about the tarot court cards and how I correspond the golden dawn and thoth courts to the rws and marseille courts. We also look at the description of the courts in Book T to the RWS cards and talk about the elemental and kabbalistic associations. Let me know how u go about this, and what ur correspondences are. Book T: [ Ссылка ]
Review of the Hermetic Tarot (what started this whole thing lol!):[ Ссылка ]
Decks shown in this video:
Rider Waite Smith- Centennial ed. & Albano-Waite
Thoth (Crowley) Deck
Papus Tarot Deck (Gerard Encausse)
The Hermetic Tarot (Godrey Dowson)
The Orbifold Tarot (Michael Bridge-Dickson)
Tarot Illuminati (Erik C. Dunne/Kim Huggens)
**Tarot on, my friends...tarot on....**
Court Cards RWS vs Thoth
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