Learn the differences between being an Independent Contractor, a LLC (single member and multi member) and a business (corporation, partnership, etc.) and which one is best for your and your business.
I hope you find this information to be easy to understand! However, none of this information should be thought of as offering legal or tax advice between the reader and uTDu or forming a client-professional relationship. Tax laws are complex and while we try to cover information in a more in depth manner for the uninformed reader, uTDu cannot be held responsible for covering every aspect of all rules and cannot take the place of one-on-one client relationship. Consult a professional for advice based on all aspects of your personal situation.
You should not take action or refrain from any action based on this advice and you should consult with your own accountant or tax professional regarding your specific situation.
IRS Circular 230 Notice: Nothing in these communication is intended to be used and cannot be used by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law.
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