With the Planet of the Apes franchise moving forward with its new protagonist Noa, and his trilogy taking place several hundred years after the death of Caesar, the series is now set to move in a new direction, leaving the iconic hero in the past. However, with as beloved as Caesar became over the course of his three movies, is there any chance we could ever see the character on screen again? I’m here to give my thoughts.
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0:00 Intro
1:55 RISE Time Period
3:40 RISE-DAWN Time Period
5:00 DAWN-WAR Time Period
6:22 What I Want to See
8:42 Likelihood of Seeing Caesar Again
10:33 Outro
#planetoftheapes #kingdomoftheplanetoftheapes
-"Main Title" originally by Jerry Goldsmith
-"Chipper by Kevin MacLeod
All Planet of the Apes footage is property of Disney/20th Century Studios.
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