Focke Wulf 190 A8 flown by Klaus Plasa chasing a Supermarine Spitfire Mk.18 flown by Rob Davies.
All filmed at the Hangar 10 Fly In 2019.
Thanks to all the people who made that happen. What an awesome event!
If you wonder what engine the Fw190 has. Its an Ash 82-T 14cyl. double row radial with the power and size comparable to the original BMW 801 engine.It was build in Karl Marx Stadt/Chemnitz. So even though it`s a russian design, the engine is still a german engine, at least kind of. ;)
FOCKE WULF 190 vs. SPITFIRE | REAL Tailchase
focke wulf 190fockewulffocke wulffockewulfta152ta 152fw190a8a5messerschmittbf109bf-109war thundersupermarine spitfirebmw 801db 605rr merlingriffongriffinenginerolls roycefw 190d9d13jumo 213v12invertedsoundawesome soundradial engineash 82Tmuseumhangar10hangar 10usedomheringsdorfwarbirdswarthunderil2flight simduxfordbattle of britainfocke wulf 190 aD 9bmwbmw801seafirerafluftwaffewwiiww2kurt tank