Today we are going to answer the question, why is roman concrete more durable than modern concrete? why? why does roman concrete last thousands of years? but modern concrete just few years.
They key to answering these questions will be on how roman concrete was produced and how modern concrete is produced. The ingredients use is producing both roman concrete and modern concrete.
#RomanConcrete #ModernConcrete #Structures
Why is Roman Concrete more durable than modern concrete?
Why is Roman Concrete more durable than modern concrete?roman concreteconcreteconcrete durabilityroman concrete vs modern concreteroman concrete vs modernroman concrete recipeancient roman concreteroman concrete stronger than modern concreteroman concrete strengthroman concrete ingredientroman concrete pozzolanroman concrete documentaryconcrete crackswhat is the meaning of roman concretewhat is roman concretelong lasting concretemodern concrete