My first symphony was composed in 2003 and premiered by The Foundation Orchestra on October 13 that year in the Eldorado Showroom, Reno, Nevada. The premiere was extremely well-received by that audience in Nevada, which included many international guests, as well.
The work is subtitled "The Age of Light."
Perceptive individuals around the world now recognize that we are in a new millennium, a "New Age," a time of instant communications and expanding global Consciousness. It is a period of wars and plagues, geological, climatic, and psychological insecurity, a time when scientists tell us that even the sun of our solar system is changing, dramatically, with massive configurations of sunspots and flares never before observed.
At the same time, we also recognize that we are at the beginning of a new and global "Age of Light," a time in which the Spiritual Consciousness of humankind is experiencing transformation and potential evolution --- for some, a rebirth of spirit.
My "Symphony No. 1" speaks of both Light and Darkness, not just in our time, but during former cycles of Light and Dark upon the planet. For example, Native Americans teach that there have been four "Ages of the Sun" and that we are now entering the age of the "Fifth Sun."
This is the underlying "theme" of the symphony.
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