A Study in Scarlet is the groundbreaking detective novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, first published in 1887. This story introduces the world to the iconic duo of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, embarking on their first-ever case together. The novel takes its title from Holmes’s metaphorical description of a murder investigation: unraveling the "scarlet thread of murder" woven into the "colorless skein of life."
Set in Victorian London, the novel begins with Watson, a war veteran, returning to civilian life and moving in with Holmes at 221B Baker Street. Their tranquil existence is soon disrupted when the police seek Holmes's expertise in solving a bizarre murder. The investigation takes a surprising turn, linking the crime to events from the American West, with themes of vengeance, faith, and justice unfolding along the way.
This audiobook vividly brings to life the intricate mystery, combining Holmes's legendary deductive reasoning with Watson's narrative charm. Perfect for lovers of classic literature and crime fiction, A Study in Scarlet remains a timeless masterpiece that defined the detective genre.
00:00:08 PART 1
00:00:21 CHAPTER 1
00:15:57 CHAPTER 2
00:35:55 CHAPTER 3
00:57:53 CHAPTER 4
01:11:33 CHAPTER 5
01:25:29 CHAPTER 6
01:44:08 CHAPTER 7
02:02:33 PART 2
02:02:38 CHAPTER 1
02:22:57 CHAPTER 2
02:37:11 CHAPTER 3
02:47:23 CHAPTER 4
03:05:48 CHAPTER 5
03:25:05 CHAPTER 6
03:48:07 CHAPTER 7
#AStudyInScarlet #ArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes #DetectiveFiction #Audiobook #ClassicLiterature #CrimeMystery #EnglishAudiobook #TimelessClassic #Selira
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