This show was produced using FWsim which is a fireworks simulator.
Visit FWsim here: [ Ссылка ]
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All of the songs used in this show where edited and do not belong to me. Search the song title for the full song.
Songs used:
Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor Or Humanity
MGMT - Kids
Mord Fustang - Super Meat Freeze
Zedd - Dovregubben
Katy Perry - Firework
Thanks for watching!
Synchronized Fireworks Show - 4 [FWSIM]
virtualfireworksfwsimfwsimmaltakulurisimulatorpyrotechnicspyromusicaldisplaypyrosammexplosivesfirebombsshellspeonypyrofirecrackersrocketssynchsynchronizedTomoyasuHoteiBattleWithoutHonororHumanityMGMTKidsMordFustangSuperMeatFreezeZeddDovregubbenKatyPerryFireworkboomFireworksKaty Perry (Musical Artist)RocketSwimmingTokioWorksPowderBillNewShellExplodingFlashExplosionsyeareve4thjuly