Cdo te merkure ne Vizion Plus, ora 21.00. Nje reality show qe vjen prane teleshikuesve si nje program i nje formati te vecante sa argetues , aq edhe i thelle ne prekjen e realitetit te se perditeshmes shqiptare.
Ne thelb te tij qendron testimi i mikpritjes shqiptare, nje prej virtyteve me te perfolura, me te cilin me te drejte populli yne eshte krenuar ne shekuj. Ky testim realizohet nga nje grup prej tre vetesh (moderator, operator dhe teknik zeri) ne te gjitha krahinat e vendit.
Lirshmeria e bisedave, afersia qe krijon grupi, lehtesia me te cilen moderatori kalon barrierat e mosnjohjes, shakate dhe batutat, e bejne nje format te thjeshte dhe argetues. Problematikat qe trajton, vecorite qe karakterizojne vendet qe testohen, e sjellin ne kohe kete virtyt duke e vene ne prove.
U hapet porta apo jo, diku i pranojne, diku refuzohen, intervista me njerez te thjeshte, bisedat me ta, copeza jete te zakonshme, reale, te pastisura, vijne ne kete format duke i larguar teleshikuesit nga debatet e politikaneve dhe analisteve ne studio, duke i bere ata vete protagoniste te ketij programi ku seicili gjen veten dhe jeten e tij.
Elementi i pare me te cilin nis testimi i mikpritjes, eshte autostopi diku disa km larg qendres se qytetit ose komunes dhe biseda me drejtuesin e automjetit per problemet e tij personale.
Nje element i rendesishem i emisionit, jane vox-pop-et te cilat njohin teleshikuesin me shqetesimet dhe mendimet e njerezve te rastesishem per probleme te ndryshme te krahines se tyre dhe me gjere...
Elementi baze i emisionit , ashtu sikurse u theksua edhe me siper eshte testimi I mikpritjes ne familjet e rastesishme ku trokitet dhe kerkohet demostrimi i mikpitjes dhe nje strehe per te kaluar naten.
Konkluzionet perfundimtare ne lidhje me kete testim, mbyllen me nje bisede me titullarin vendor te zones ku ne kemi kerkuar kete mikpritje dhe i jepet atij nje nga tre cmimet e menduara per kete vleresim.
A reality show that comes close to the viewers as a program of a particular format as entertaining as it is deep in touch with the reality of the daily Albanian.
At its core lies the test of Albanian hospitality, one of the most talked about virtues, with which the right is proud of our people over centuries. The testing carried out by a group of three (moderator, technical operator and voice) in all provinces of the country.
Lirshmeria conversations, closeness that creates group moderator ease with which crosses the barriers of ignorance, jokes and mot, makes a simple and entertaining format. Problems dealing with, features that characterize the countries that are tested, this time bring by virtue untested.
It opens the gate or not, somewhat agree, somewhat refused, interviews with ordinary people, conversations with them, pieces of ordinary life, real, to pastisura, come in this format by viewers away from the debates of politicians and analysts in the studio, making them protagonists themselves of this program where Each finds himself and his life.
The first item that begins with testing of hospitality, is autostopi somewhere several miles from the center of the city or municipality and the conversation with the driver of the vehicle for his personal problems.
An important element of the show, are Vox-pop sites that viewers recognize the concerns and opinions of random people on various problems of their region and beyond ...
Basic element of the show, as noted above is testing of hospitality in families where I knocked and asked random Illustrating mikpitjes and a shelter for the night.
Definitive conclusions regarding this test, closed with a conversation with the head of the local area where we have applied for this hospitality and given him a thoughtful three prices for this assessment.
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