2024 was a wild year, and we're going to look at the top 20 cards, the best (and worst) sets, decks, videos, and more from the past year in Magic the Gathering!
What is Jank: [ Ссылка ]
Aristocrats Deck Tech: [ Ссылка ]
Patreon: www.patreon.com/SBMTG
Hungry on Plane's Channel: @HungryOnPlane
Salubrious Snail's Channel: @salubrioussnail
Skill Check's Channel: @SkillCheckShow
Strictly Better Mtg is a Magic: the Gathering Channel that does videos on everything Magic the Gathering. We do Mtg Deck Techs, Mtg set reviews, Mtg spoilers, mtg news, mtg speculation, mtg top 10 lists, and much, much more mtg related ish!
2024 SBMTG Awards | Magic: the Gathering
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