Одним из любимейших мест в Харькове является Центральный парк культуры и отдыха имени Горького. Летом он похож на Диснейленд, а зимой он превращается в сказку. Он украшен иллюминацией, фотолокациями и новогодними инсталляциями. Возле входа растут ёлочки, которые нарядно украшены фонариками. Всех отдыхающих встречают ангелы, которые трубят в трубы и приветствуют людей. Одной из популярных инсталляций в городе является изображение оленей. На центральной клумбе расположены большие новогодние шары с изображёнными на них зимними сюжетами: дети отправляют письмо Деду Морозу, белочки с шишками и орехами, дети лепят снеговика, Дед Мороз мчится на оленях в заснеженной пурге, ангелочки украшают свечами новогоднюю ёлку, сюжет из Евангелие - Рождество Христово. В центре парка проходит новогодний концерт, который доставляет радость всем отдыхающим. Возле центральной ёлки стоят огромные часы, а сверху лежит шапка Санта Клауса. Возле ёлки снеговики и домик Деда Мороза. Возле детских аттракционов дети катаются с горки. Вызывает интерес большой светящийся воздушный шар. Ещё одна локация: среди светящихся елей живут белые медведи. Многие люди хотят с ними сфотографироваться. Рядом расположено замёрзшее озеро, беседки и ёлочки, украшенные иллюминацией. На озере танцуют фигуристы. Желаю приятного просмотра.
One of the favorite places in Kharkov is the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Rest. In summer it looks like Disneyland, and in winter it turns into a fairy tale. It is decorated with illuminations, photo locations and New Year's installations. Fir trees grow near the entrance, which are elegantly decorated with lanterns. All vacationers are greeted by angels who blow their trumpets and greet people. One of the most popular installations in the city is the image of deer. On the central flower bed there are large Christmas balls with winter scenes depicted on them: children send a letter to Santa Claus, squirrels with pine cones and nuts, children make a snowman, Santa Claus rushes on reindeer in a snowy blizzard, angels decorate a Christmas tree with candles, a plot from the Gospel - Christmas Christ. In the center of the park, a New Year's concert is taking place, which brings joy to all vacationers. There is a huge clock near the central tree, and a Santa Claus hat lies on top. There are snowmen and Santa Claus's house near the tree. Near children's attractions, children ride a slide. A large glowing balloon is of interest. Another location: polar bears live among the glowing firs. Many people want to take pictures with them. Nearby there is a frozen lake, gazebos and Christmas trees decorated with illumination. Skaters are dancing on the lake. I wish you a pleasant viewing.
One of the favorite places in Kharkov is the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Rest. In summer it looks like Disneyland, and in winter it turns into a fairy tale. It is decorated with illuminations, photo locations and New Year's installations. Fir trees grow near the entrance, which are elegantly decorated with lanterns. All vacationers are greeted by angels who blow their trumpets and greet people. One of the most popular installations in the city is the image of deer. On the central flower bed there are large Christmas balls with winter scenes depicted on them: children send a letter to Santa Claus, squirrels with pine cones and nuts, children make a snowman, Santa Claus rushes on reindeer in a snowy blizzard, angels decorate a Christmas tree with candles, a plot from the Gospel - Christmas Christ. In the center of the park, a New Year's concert is taking place, which brings joy to all vacationers. There is a huge clock near the central tree, and a Santa Claus hat lies on top. There are snowmen and Santa Claus's house near the tree. Near children's attractions, children ride a slide. A large glowing balloon is of interest. Another location: polar bears live among the glowing firs. Many people want to take pictures with them. Nearby there is a frozen lake, gazebos and Christmas trees decorated with illumination. Skaters are dancing on the lake. I wish you a pleasant viewing.
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