A short video where i investigate the possibility of building a real growing bioluminescent vivarium just like the planet Pandora in the movie Avatar.
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#avataraquarium #avatarthewayofwater #vivarium
Can i grow a real bioluminescent vivarium like Avatar?
avatarpandoraplantslichensvivariumsterrariumsdartfrogsreptilestropical plantsdart frogsavatar 2way of waterbioluminescent vivariumglowing rocksfluorescent mineralsglow in the darkneonfluorescentuv reactivepitcher plantsherpetologyamphibiansfrogsgeckoslizardschameleonsscorpionstarantulasglow in the dark plantspaludariumwater featureaquascapeaquariumsreef tanksalt wateranimalsfishmarinebioactiveavatar aquariumavatar terrarium