Great info for parents!
Featuring CHEO's Dr. Neil Gottheil, C.Psych.
Parents, this one’s for you.
Technology offers many perks - endless entertainment, constant communication with friends and family, and the answers to every question in the palms of our hands.
But there’s a dark side to technology as well: overuse. It can be hard competing with the screen when it comes to quality family time and engaging in the world around us.
CHEO's Dr. Neil Gottheil, a clinical psychologist in child and youth mental health, explains technology overuse, how to identify the lessons and experiences you want for your children and how to find a balance between technology overuse and technology avoidance and screen time management for parents.
This video was made possible by a donation from Bell Let's Talk. We've partnered with @Bell Let’s Talk to create a series of helpful parent education videos on child and youth mental health.
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