In this video series, Deborah Swan shares the harrowing events that unfolded during her involvement with Charles Dyer's false conviction. Having experienced firsthand the corruption that targeted both herself and Charles, Deborah reveals how the media and FBI attempted to use Charles as a martyr and profile him as a dangerous right-wing extremist. These videos present the facts that no one else has experienced or mentioned for over a decade. This is a critical part of Charles Dyer's story that must be learned, remembered, and kept alive. All this was swept under the rug after Deborah hired the US Observer. This all should of been published in the one article that Ed Snook finally wrote. Ed Snook made the bad choice of ignoring all this and only writing about the ex-wife and her actions she took to help the false conviction against Charles. The critical part of Charles Dyer's story is why he was targeted and who orchestrated all the events around his false conviction.
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