This short video shows acupuncture for relief of knee pain. Acupuncture treatment for knee pain is an excellent option if you suffer from chronic or acute knee pain. Whether you are suffering from knee osteoarthritis or just simple knee soreness acupuncture treatment for knee pain may relieve pain.
A few details about electroacupuncture for knee pain in this video. First, I used only 2 acupuncture points for knee pain. Sp 10 is the superior (top) most acupuncture point for medial knee pain. It's very near where the quadriceps muscles insert around the knee. The second point is Sp 9 which is distal and close to the patella and tibia-femoral joint.
There are plenty of other acupuncture points for knee pain that are great to use, but this day I was mostly having medial knee discomfort related to CrossFit. The workout the day before involved sumo squats which can sometimes aggravate the medial knee.
Acupuncture for knee pain has extremely good evidence in treated knee osteoarthritis, but acupuncture and electro-acupuncture are also great for other knee conditions or even just generalized knee pain.
Acupuncture for Relief of Knee Pain
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