Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an indian lawyer, anti colonial nationalist and political ethicist. He used the nonviolent resistance approach to lead successful campaign for India's freedom from British rule. He would later use the same approach to inspire movements for civil rights and freedom world wide. He was honoured with the title Mahatma meaning "great soul" in 1914. He would be know world wide as Mahatma Gandhi. This is the good ,the bad and the pure evil.
Mahatma Gandhi
MahatmaGandhiMahatma GandhiIndia18691900sBritish RuleSplitseparationIndependencepeaceprotestnonviolentnon violentHinduradicalsGodsefightingprayersmurderedkilledshootprisonjailedDehliBirla HouseGreat soulCivil rightsSouth AfricaLondonBombayMumbaiPacifistVegatarianLondon Vegetarian SocietypoliticspoliticalIndian National CongressSwarajboycott