A tragic incident unfolded on March 28 in the Shahbad Dairy area of New Delhi, where a 16-year-old girl named Sakshi became the victim of a brutal attack. The autopsy report revealed that the victim suffered multiple stab wounds, causing her internal organs, including her intestine, to protrude from her stomach. The shocking details of this gruesome murder involve a 20-year-old man named Sahil, who allegedly stabbed Sakshi numerous times. The extent of Sahil's savagery was evident from the autopsy report, which indicated wounds stretching from the victim's shoulder to her hip, displaying an unimaginable level of brutality. The hospital where Sakshi was taken has recently submitted a chargesheet to the police, which further highlighted Sahil's actions. The report unveiled that the accused not only struck the victim's head with a rock but also caused fractures and shattered her skull. During the investigation, it was discovered that Sahil had made incessant calls to Sakshi the day before the incident. The motive behind this chilling crime appears to be a quarrel between the accused and the young girl. The Delhi Police have also recovered the alleged murder weapon, a knife, which was reportedly used by Sahil. CCTV footage of the incident captures Sahil stabbing the girl multiple times, even when she fell to the ground. He proceeded to kick her and then used a nearby concrete slab to bludgeon her head. The entire sequence of events depicted in the footage is deeply distressing.
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